Veracity Inc, Plano TX – Property Management Fraud Exposed
Here’s your introduction to the FACES OF FRAUD:
Victor (Vic) Wayne Bosnich – Veracity Inc Property Management Head–Fraudster-In-Charge /Owner/Operator
Lori Renee Bosnich-Welsh aka Lori Welsh – Veracity Inc Property Manager (Fraudster #2) – Oak Creek Property Manager (sister of the HFIC and Notary of the State of Texas)
Nicole Susanne Foley – Veracity Inc Property Manager (aka Dirty Deed Doer #3 and Notary of the State of Texas)
Julie Pfullmann – Former Veracity Inc Receptionist & Gatekeeper
Catch up with how this all started, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, The Ultimate HOA Guide.
LIES DETECTED! This page will expose the REAL “truth” about Veracity Inc of Plano TX which is better described by:
- Property Management Crooks
- Property Management Scammers
- Property Management Fraudsters
- Property Management Corruption
- Property Management
- And some folks even say “Evil” 👿👿👿
This fraudulent property management company has proven time over that it, and the devious people under it’s employ, have no depths to the lows they will stoop to commit acts of deceit. I’ve had the pleasure opportunity to experience some of the dirtiest tricks these people use to violate homeowner rights. And I also have the pleasure of exposing the property management fraud Veracity Inc has perpetrated against homeowners. I HAVE THE RECEIPTS, Y’ALL! 😉 The following are just SOME of the tactics to be aware of by the SHADY HOA property managers and owner of Veracity Inc AND other shady companies like it.
Veracity Inc – Property Management Fraud >>> Billing Scam – Denial of Homeowner Rights
Veracity Inc’s BILLING SCAM for a trash violation was the beginning of my fate with property management fraud. For the record, I forwarded my hearing request to Veracity 9 days after they claimed my hearing rights had expired. How do I know it’s a billing scam and not an unintentional error on Veracity’s part? Because not only did I bring to their attention the omission of the 30 day window for a hearing request, SO DID MY ATTORNEY LONG BEFORE OUR COURT DATE. (For that outcome, go here.) Veracity denied homeowner rights to continue to demand bogus fees. You would expect a property manager with a hint of integrity would acknowledge such a glaring error and try to make amends. At the time, I had no clue that Veracity Inc was such a HIGHLY CORRUPT property management company.

Billing Scam – Unlawful Fines
As shown in the notice sent from Veracity Inc, they warned of “immediate fines” which violate the Texas Property Code and homeowner rights. Veracity Inc claim “with Veracity, your property is managed by an expert who adheres to the ethics and rules of the Community Association Institute.” and they “adhere to the highest ethical principles”. These statements have been proven to be FALSE. Scammers will lie to cover for their FRAUD & INCOMPETENCE.
According to to Keystone Pacific property management, “The services provided by an unbiased management company ensure that the HOA is working in accordance with the state and national laws that protect homeowners.”
Billing Scam – Homeowners Defrauded
Scam #3 is in conjunction with Scam #2 AND coordinated with at least one Oak Creek board member, Tony Alagenchev aka Tihomir Alagenchev/Oak Creek Treasurer/Owner of TM&F Lawns & Dallas TX firefighter. Per the above notice, “Residents must immediately pick up after their animals anywhere on the property and dispose of properly” with penalty of a $50-$200 fine. For what valid reason were these fines proposed even for perimeter areas designated for pooping pooches and their brave owners??? TO FURTHER FLEECE HOMEOWNERS.

Veracity Inc – Property Management Fraud >>> Improperly Adopted Amendment
I requested video from the security cameras that would have shown my tenant putting trash outside the dumpster, which he denied doing. Instead of providing the video record per Texas state law, Veracity Inc and Oak Creek President-Kennon Armstrong and Secretary-Gary Foster concocted this lame amendment and attempted to enforce it RETROACTIVELY. And in essence, they were saying “WE CAN USE YOUR HOMEOWNER DUES TO BUY AND MAINTAIN SECURITY CAMERAS TO FINE YOU BUT VIDEO FROM THOSE CAMERAS CANNOT BE USED FOR YOUR BENEFIT.”
THESE UNETHICAL INDIVIDUALS even went so far to include in the amendment “Any member, resident or visitor requesting review of the recording(s) must do so through the Arlington Police Department”. Vic Bosnich aka Victor Bosnich of Veracity Inc, the self-proclaimed “property management expert”, failed miserably defending this in our court case. Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Mary Tom Curnutt strongly rebuffed this requirement as:
- HOA disputes over governing laws/documents and homeowner rights are a CIVIL MATTER.
- Texas Property Code 82.114(b) allows a homeowner access to Association records, including video.
Veracity Inc – Property Management Fraud >>> Billing Scam – Proof of Insurance
Y’ALL, TRY TO OPEN YOUR MAIL AS YOU GET IT. In the midst of Veracity Inc sending constant delinquency and demand letters for their bogus fees, they sent a request for proof of property insurance…LUCKY ME! As I was accustomed AND NUMB to Veracity’s monthly attempts to collect fraudulent charges, I would file ALL mail from them without opening. So OF COURSE Veracity started charging a fee for not complying to their request and as soon as I realized it, I forwarded a copy of the insurance policy that was effective BEFORE they requested proof.
Veracity Inc CONTINUED TO ADD BOGUS CHARGES, even after I forwarded the document via fax, email AND called to confirm receipt…although the COWARDLY Lori Renee Bosnich-Welsh would NEVER take or return my calls.
And the Veracity Inc Property Management CROOKS even refused to remove the fraudulent fees until ordered by the Judge.

Billing Scam – Illegal Entry
Every year, Veracity oversees a fire inspection conducted by a local company. This requires the homeowners or tenants give access so heat detectors can be tested. On the day of the inspection, Julie Pfullmann, Veracity Inc’s receptionist, called to advise they needed access to my unit because a fault had been detected. I was not readily available because I NEVER RECEIVED ANY NOTICE ABOUT THE FIRE INSPECTION. (I suspect these SCAM ARTISTS schemed to take advantage of my unit being VACANT to continue their con game.) I informed Julie that I would be available on an upcoming date.
To my surprise, I later received this bill. Veracity Inc illegally entered my unit for a non-emergency purpose. (I was informed by a neighbor that Veracity did the same to them.)
Unfortunately, there will be conniving property management companies like Veracity Inc that will make you a target. The ONLY way to neutralize them is to SPEAK UP & STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

Do not forget the names of the “Village Idiots” headquartered at 5204 Village Creek Dr, Ste 202, Plano, TX 😆 …the same ones behind Veracity Inc property management fraud: Victor Bosnich aka Vic Bosnich, Lori Renee Bosnich-Welsh aka Lori Welsh, Nicole Susanne Foley and Julie Pfullmann.
The NEXT CHAPTER of Veracity Inc’s property management corruption will continue to make apparent Veracity’s lack of integrity and competence. YES, THERE’S MORE TO BE REVEALED ABOUT THIS DIRTY COMPANY.
*For clear steps to resolve your HOA issue, use our FREE ULTIMATE HOA GUIDE… OR for additional help submit the HOA Assistance Form below.
Texas HOA Assistance Form

I can attest to Veracity being corrupt. They are the worst.
OH MY GOD! So glad I found this. Victor was listed as our ‘management’ by a past board member named Jean Labron. Our board now claims they could not get the booksnfrom them.
I suspect the entire board is dirty bc we ha e not had an audit in years.
Palos Verdes Townhomes in mesquite texas.
Will be reading your ebook to find out how to clean up this mess
Hi Amy. Thanks for taking action. And good luck in flipping the board. That’s where the change starts!
Christy I’ve never seen anything like this. Verasity is long gone, but I swear it’s like the various board members that rotate to and fro pass the baton of evil. I am “just a renter” according to our lovely board and need to be quiet. I am my mother’s care taker due to her age ( 82) ,and her extensive list of physical ailments including COPD ( oxygen 24/7), diabetes, and a myriad of other health issues. They had me physically removed by the police during our annual meeting in 2021 for calling out our president in a bold face lie that was 100% obvious because it was a foreclosure they did and quickly had to amend since they foreclosed AFTER the lady paid her back dues- then claimed it never happened.
What is so disheartening is the homeowners know it’s a revolving door of dirty, yet nobody- and I mean nobody will stand up and demand anything.
I am beginning to think we just doomed.
Hi Amy. Maybe being added to the deed is an option for you to fulfill the ownership requirement. This should be discussed with an attorney and other heirs and mortgage lender, if applicable. And don’t give up hope! Veracity Inc is out and that is a WIN! Sometimes it takes JUST ONE courageous homeowner to STAND UP and others will follow. I’ve seen it happen. If you want to get the board on the right track, call me.
This people charge 200 for grass fee and 50 for late fee and i never got a letter after sending a nasty email since they were not returning my call they send me mail to cease and charge extra 200 i was like wtf wrong with these people